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Daylight | Cloud | June 24, 2024

Update: Select All is now live for filters.  When you add a new project, we have added default language, which will default to English.

Daylight | Cloud | June 17, 2024

Update: Fine tuning Outlier Feature – Hovering will give you additional information about that particular outlier.  Fixed “include conceptual matches” so that the numbers are accurate according to the selection. Updated the login placeholder field to say “email address” instead of “username”. Added “Document Management” field with “Delete Document” option. This will allow you to […]

Daylight | Cloud | June 11, 2024

Update: Include Outliers in Display option now available in Sentiment. Please note: the number being displayed under Total Matches is the number of occurrences in those outlier documents (not the count across all documents).  Tooltips will show up on the concept title and the colored bar to give additional information about the outliers.