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Daylight | Cloud | July 31, 2024

New Feature Update:

Add with Helios: In active concepts, will create themes using the top 100 concepts automatically. If you click the button, it will quickly create the concept lists in the background. 

Helios Themes – containing Helios-chosen themes. You can click on the themes to see the concepts that have been selected to make up the theme. This should get you started faster!

⚠️Disclaimer Note: if you click the button more than once, it will not make a new set of themes, it will overwrite any existing  lists – we encourage you to play around with it on a public data set or a copy of your data first. 

  • We are improving on this feature and are aware there may be some issues. Due to this, we are interested in gathering user feedback on this feature. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to your CSM.


Dashboard update: We’ve made it so that the tiles can be adjusted in shape and size to customize the view for your needs.

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