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Data Scraping

Daylight | Cloud | May 28, 2024

Issue Fix:

Bug fix:

  • Names and words that end with “‘s” for example “St. John’s”, Daylight bunched them together as the same concept. This has been fixed. 

Notice functionality update (fix):

  • The concept added to Notice didn’t always show up in the search bar suggestions, so we have fixed it so that the concepts you force Daylight to Notice it will always show up in the search. 


Data Stream update:

  • If a project was created with a data stream, you will see a button labeled “Update Data Stream” that will take you to the data stream URL page so you can adjust the settings on the stream like frequency and URL source. 
  • Selecting a new URL in this way will ADD new data to the existing project, not overwrite it. 
  • When you click ‘submit’, it will take you to the Project’s page with the project you just created at the top. 

Collocation Setting update:

  • We have added this new functionality. If Daylight finds a combination of words frequently enough, it will combine the words together into a concept. The default setting is to combine up to 5 words into a Collocation (combined concept), so now using Collocation Setting you can change that default setting by reducing or increasing the number. This is useful when using call transcription data or interview data where the same phrases are used over and over again (ex. “Hi, how can I help you today?” ).

Export to PNG option update:

  • We have updated the PNG export and cleaned up the output so that extra items and colored backgrounds do not appear. All PNG have transparent backgrounds and only necessary data. 

Helios GenAI updates:

  • For the export chat option – we have cleaned up the export into a two column file representing Helios and User column that will provide a cleaner transcript of the conversation. 

Create Project update:

  • During the upload data process, you can now multi-select columns and set their type (ie. text, string, etc) instead of needing to do it one by one. It should save lots of time during the upload process. 

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